
Announcements Cards Using Awesome Table


How to add an announcements feature to a New Google Site

More Information

For many websites such as schools, businesses, intranets, it would be great to have a way to quickly add announcements via a form on your phone. Read on to find out how.

  1. Create a form with the following elements:
    1. Title
    2. More Information
    3. Link
  2. Use Document Studio to create a document from a template with the information you submit on the form. I then open the document and add more information, video links, other links, and more information than I might submit on the form.
  3. The announcements component on the site is made using a cards template from Awesome Table. (I think I modified the Trainings Registration template)

Website Link

Video on how I have done this

This is a link to make a copy of the spreadsheet to make your own version of this. You can see the query formula I use and be able to copy my modified template to use with your awesome table view.

      1. Your copy will not be attached to a form
      2. You will have to setup your own version of Document Studio to make a template to create a document.

Try it out! Use this form to add an announcement to this page!

After submitting the form, refresh this page in a minute to see your announcement at the top of this page.