Student Progress Monitoring System
A small charter school was looking for a way to track student progress and share the outcomes with students and parents. The following criteria were important.
- Quick and easy for teachers to add data.
- Easy for students to see their progress
- Administrator needs a dashboard to see all aggregated data
- Use free GSuite tools to accomplish the outcomes
For this solution we used forms, sheets and drive.
Watch the video below to see how we did this. If you are interested you can make copies here:
There is a bit of setup time to make copies for each teacher, or student, but once the setup is finished, the teacher simply fills out the form and the student and parent can check the report at any time.
- Teacher fills out forms for students
- Teacher has a summary dashboard to view each student individually
- Students have view access to an individual sheet showing a summary of all submitted data about their progress
- Administrator has an aggregated sheet that pulls the data from all the teacher sheets into a single sheet from which a dashboard is constructed to evaluate by student.
Administrative Dashboard
In order for the Admin team to be able to view all the data in a single sheet, we have aggregated all the teacher sheets to a single sheet then built a dashboard for ease of viewing a summary of each individual student.
Optional Time Saver
In order to save a little time for the administrator who is creating all the teacher forms and sheets, I have written (copied) a script that will make a copy of the summary sheet to all the teacher sheets with just one click on a menu in a spreadsheet. Below I outline the steps to accomplish this.
- In your Student Progress Monitoring google drive folder, create a folder named setup. In this folder create a folder named sheets.
- Make a copy of this sheet and save it in this sheets folder
- Follow the steps to create the new form for each teacher. Initially save all these new teacher forms in the folder you created named setup.
- After you create the form and name it for the teacher, create the sheet attached to this form, rename 'Form Responses 1" to 'data'.
- Move all these new sheets to the sheets folder when you are finished creating them all.
- So all the Responses sheets will now be in the sheets folder. We are doing this because the script will copy the summary tab to all the sheets in this folder saving you some time in setup.
- Once this is finished all the response sheets will have the correctly formatted summary tab.
- You can now move all these sheets back into the setup folder.
- Create a folder for each teacher, and move the form and response sheet to each teacher's folder. Share this folder with each teacher.
- Add the first student template to each teacher folder and setup the correct URL for the import range function.
- Teachers can then finish by creating a sheet for each student and sharing it appropriately.
Move the response sheets into the sheets folder so you can run the script and add the summary tab to each sheet.
Moving the sheets back to the Setup Folder, and then create a folder for each teacher, move their form and sheet into it and add the first student template sheet.